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  • Thanx uses your credit card to track your purchases and give you automatic credit toward your reward. This means that you don’t have to carry around an extra card or enter your phone number or email address at the time of purchase. The more purchases you make that are automatically detected means more rewards for you!

  • No. We don't share your personal information (your name, your email address) with anyone, including the merchants you shop with, without your explicit permission. For example, we will enroll your email in the mailing list of a merchant only if you go to the merchant screen in the app, click "More" and then subscribe to their mailing list. We do allow merchants to target offers to you based on your profile (for example, Birthday rewards on your birthday, VIP rewards if you are a top spender, etc).

    For branded apps powered by Thanx

    When you sign up for a Thanx-powered app we will share your email address and name with that merchant (and ONLY that merchant)

  • To earn automatic progress toward your reward, use your registered credit/debit card, and your purchase will be automatically added to your account. If you use a registered debit card, be sure to run the transaction as credit (don’t use the PIN) so you can receive automatic progress for the purchase.

    If you use cash or a card not linked to your account, you can submit your receipt through the app to earn progress. When you send in your receipt, our support team will confirm that it is valid, and add your progress within 24 hours.

  • If you make a purchase before registering your card, you can submit your receipt for rewards progress within the app, and our team will add your progress within 24 hours.

    For Android: From the rewards page, click on "Send Photo Of Receipt". Then, attach a photo, fill out the amount, date, and payment type and hit 'Submit Receipt'.

    For Apple iOS: From the rewards page, click the 'More' tab then "Send Photo Of Receipt". Then, attach a photo, fill out the amount, date, and payment type and hit 'Submit Receipt'.

  • Yes! Any card you have registered to your account will earn rewards at participating merchants. Some merchants have limitations (for example, we may not see purchases made with American Express cards at some locations) that will be listed on the merchant detail screen. You can register as many cards as you like.

    At this time you can earn progress with Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Some cards may not accrue progress (the card companies sometimes don't send us notifications for pre-paid cards, cards issued outside the US, etc). If that happens, just send us a snapshot of the receipt.